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for children

Birth through 5th grade



Birth-5th Grade Sunday School

Children start upstairs with their family and will be dismissed around 9:15am.


Birth-PreK Childcare only

Children start upstairs with their family and will be dismissed around 11am. K-5th remain with parents.

5th graders

Start in youth room. This is a opportunity to experience what middle school Sunday school will be like next year.

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Pre-k & Under

Our Sunday morning preschool environment is created especially for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years.


We combine developmental biblical learning with intentional love and safety to ensure that every preschooler embraces a God who is bigger than their imagination.

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K through 5th grade

We partner with parents to show elementary-age kids God’s big story and help them discover the active part they can play in this life-long adventure.


We want to help kids to grow up making wise choices, building strong relationships, and developing a deep faith.

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