for students
6th through 12 grade
Sunday School
9am & 10:45 am
Students join the church in worship. Sit with Shelly, BenZ and your peers on the left side near the front.
Students join worship, in the sanctuary.
No Sunday school.
Students join the church in worship.
1st sunday of the month
(6th through 12th grade)
7-8:45pm | Yard
Middle School Youth Group
7-9pm | House
High School Youth Group

YARD ​6th - 8th grade
YARD is a place for middle schoolers to feel seen and loved as they explore what it means to love Jesus, love others, and live a life of faith. We do this by creating an environment that fosters:
Fun – We love to get to know each other by creating a welcoming, safe and fun environment.
Community – We create space for students to learn and process their faith with others in small and large groups.
Growth – Being rooted in the gospel means we want to be empowered to live a life that looks more like Jesus.

HOUSE 9th - 12th grade
HOUSE is a place where high school students can explore and examine what it means to have faith in Jesus. We live this out by pursuing these values together:
Intentional Community for students to explore what it means to love God and each other together.
Safe Space to engage every student no matter their background, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.
Living With Purpose as we put our faith into practice.